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PLC BLOG | Siemens TIA portal wincc introduction and create simple project in TIA wincc

Siemens TIA portal wincc introduction and create simple project in TIA wincc

TIA Portal (Totally Integrated Automation Portal) is a software platform developed by Siemens for programming and configuring of PLC, HMI, drives, and other devices. siemens hmi are programmed and designed with Siemens TIA wincc. tia wincc Portal is a complete package for configuring and programming siemens HMI devices. TIA wincc Portal hmi program editor helps to create a graphical user interface for your hmi and connect HMI with Siemens plc or other plc by using multiple communication protocol option like modbus, Ethernet, serial communication, profibus or profinet etc. in siemens tia wincc portal you can configure alarm, trend, recipe, tag, script for component in single software. tia wincc support simulation to run and test your graphical page without physical download.

How to create project in siemens TIA wincc

open tia portal and select create a new project enter following details of your project
  • 1. enter project name
  • 2. select or enter project save location on system
  • 3. enter author and comment of your project for refrence purpose only.
  • 4. press create button
How to create project in siemens TIA wincc

Configure Device & Network for your HMI in TIA Portal

next step is to Configure Device & Network for your hmi in TIA Portal in this step you can add PLC for your hmi and add hmi for your project. press to configure device and select controller(PLC) or HMI for your project. you can also add device in project.
Configure Device & Network for your HMI in TIA Portal

add HMI device in tia portal project

in project view select add new device and than select HMI option and than select your hmi device configuration from HMI device list.
add HMI device in tia portal project

configure HMI device in tia wincc portal

after selecting HMI for device list next step to configure HMI device from HMI device wizard. "this wizard only open if you checked start device wizard option during device selection". in this wizard have following option
PLC connection: use this option to connect plc with hmi by select plc from drop down list. if plc not available than check plc is connected with tia or not.
configure PLC connection in wincc tia portal
screen layout: this settings used for all pages setup.in this section you can set screen background color for your all hmi pages, set header and logo for your hmi
configure screen layout in wincc tia portal
Alarm this section add alarm to your hmi you can configure these alarm after setup.
configure alarm in wincc tia portal
screen: this section configure screen of your page. here you add multiple screen, set root screen for your project.
configure screen in wincc tia portal
system screen: in this section you can add system screen like user administrator screen, language selection, project information screen stc. these screen prebuild and selected screen added to your project. these screen are customizable.
configure system screen in wincc tia portal
buttons: in this section add button like exit button, login button, languages selection button stc to your hmi screen, in this section add button area for hmi.
configure buttons in wincc tia portal
all configuration press finish to complete wizard. above settings also configured without hmi project wizard.

add component to your hmi screen

select component from toolbox and add selected component to hmi screen by simply drag and drop from toolbox to hmi. in this article we add a button, a circle and a i/o field for numerical input.
add component to your hmi screen

how to customized hmi component in wincc tia portal

select component which you want to configure. and than open properties tab of your component here you can configure font, font color, background color, select tag for your component, security of component etc. in property list select property which you want to change and add parameter of property.
how to customized hmi component in wincc tia portal

add tag to your hmi device in wincc tia portal

component of your hmi assigned by tag. these tag are very important because tag helps to find proper component. and these tag are defined with. in project view select hmi tag. you can add tag in tag table. these tag table default available or you can also add tag table. in tag table insert tag name, select tag data type like bool, int, uint, string stc. connection column select internal tag if you want these tag internally use for hmi or otherwise select connection if you want to browse plc tag.
add tag to your hmi device in wincc tia portal

assign events for screen elements in wincc tia portal

select elements like button for adding events select events type and than in events action select action which you want to perform when element events triggered in this article we use set bit events for start button and reset bit events for stop button on light_on tag.
assign events for screen elements in wincc tia portal

add animation of your hmi component in tia wincc portal

animation change the background color, font color, visibility movement etc when of selected component tag is changed to set value. here we add animation of circle when start button is pressed than circle color change to green and if the stop button is pressed than red color is set to cicrle. set light_on tag for circle animation.
add animation of your hmi component in tia wincc portal

how to start hmi simulation in wincc tia portal

save project and press start simulation of your project simulation is start. Simulation is your virtual hmi where you test program of your hmi and resolve the issues of hmi.
how to start hmi simulation in wincc tia portal


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